I anledning af de forestående koncerter på VoxHall og Loppen med The Dodos har vi kontaktet frontmand i supportbandet The Ruby Suns (New Zealand), Ryan McPhun, med nogle få spørgsmål:
Tre ord til at beskrive kollegaerne i The Dodos:
Vibey, thumping, boisterous.
Hvordan ser The Ruby Suns' indspilningsplaner ud?
I've got a few recordings on the go at the moment. Don't know when I'll have enough for another album. I work pretty slowly and I usually work on a couple songs at a time.
Hvad ved I om den danske musikscene? Kender I nogen bands?
I know a couple that you mentioned [Efterklang, Slaraffenland, Under Byen, Figurines, Mimas, Mew]. We're really good friends with Bo from Men Among Animals. He toured with us earlier in the year as our sound person. We haven't met the whole band yet though. So he's told us about some of the bands that he likes and stuff like that. We played with Choir of Young Believers last time we were in Denmark. That was last year.
The Dodos og The Ruby Suns spiller:
VoxHall onsdag d. 19. november
Loppen torsdag d. 20. november
MP3: The Ruby Suns - Palmitos Park (El Guincho cover)
Mp3: The Ruby Suns - Birthday (The Beatles cover)
MP3: The Ruby Suns - Tane Mahuta
MP3: The Ruby Suns - Don't Trust the Dirty Fruit
MP3: The Ruby Suns - Look Out SOS!
MP3: The Ruby Suns - It's Hard to Let You Know
6 kommentarer:
tillykke med at have rundet et skarpt hjørne!
hej martin. jeg synes virkelig det er en fin blog. holder øje med den hver dag. så tak for det. kasper troels, www.comeondieyoung.dk
Martin, du ruller! I love to read, read, read your stuff stuff stuff. Jeg kan bedre lide det end mit nye Soundvenue blad. Here's for another 100!
Tillykke med de 100 og en virkelig god blog.
...hilsen Dimitry
tillykke med de 100, skarpt med Suns-interview. Kig forbi http://earcandy.dk/ - der er en lang og lækker Dodosreportage med interview.
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